Although mind reading is impossible, Monet Networks’ (Monet) technology comes close to making it attainable. 

The UCI Beall Applied Innovation ecosystem partner, located at the Cove @ UCI, uses facial cues to more accurately determine emotional responses to entertainment content, brand advertising and political messaging rather than survey questions alone. They aim to enhance current marketing standards, such as surveys, for an in-depth analysis of target demographics.

Monet utilizes the facial action coding system, an anatomically based system developed in the 1970s that associates specific facial muscle movement patterns with certain emotions. Monet uses this methodology with their patented artificial intelligence (AI) technology, called Contextualization of Emotions (COE), which analyzes people’s facial muscle reactions to content and determines their emotions from those expressions.   

Rather than put people in large focus groups, Monet sends links to individuals they want to test, which allows them access to more people across more countries. A person can watch a commercial or TV pilot from a personal device with a camera and answer supplementary survey questions. AI then analyzes the data within a few hours.

“In the spirit of technology within entrepreneurship, we will not stop innovating,” said Anurag Bist, Ph.D., founder and CEO. “We are pivoting in terms of creating products and DIY solutions for our clients’ unique needs at this time.”

While demand for certain market research has been compromised by delayed production of entertainment content and marketing budget cuts, the company has adapted to quarantine. Their new product, the Crisis Calibration of Content Tool (C^3), guides businesses to generate content and marketing strategies that will match the emotions of the current moment. 

As a Cove partner, Monet appreciates the invigorating environment and the collaborative workspace that encourages networking with early startups.

In the near future, Monet will post podcasts and webinars about their new products to their website. They also have upcoming technology that empowers people to use Monet Networks’ marketing AI on their own. 

Find out more about Applied Innovation’s Cove Partners.

*Main graphic: Julie Kennedy, UCI Beall Applied Innovation