Expert speakers from diverse backgrounds offer insights into subjects beneficial to those who pave their own paths.

Entrepreneurs, innovators and creatives are thought-provokers and change-makers who draw outside the lines. However, one constant about such endeavors is there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Read on for five TED Talks with valuable information that can inspire anyone’s journey.

Inspire Through Sharing Your Purpose
In his presentation, author and motivational speaker Simon Sinek explains how successful companies and leaders begin by stating why they do something – their purpose. Sinek encourages leaders and companies to put the emphasis on their purpose first – rather than their product or service – to connect to people on an emotional level to inspire allegiance and inspire new customers to buy their products.

Achieve Ambitious Goals
Everyone has goals. Some so ambitious that they never come to fruition because the odds seem insurmountable and the idea feels too big. Stephen Duneier, investment manager, strategy consultant and author, shares how marginal adjustments to his daily life allowed him to achieve goal after goal, no matter how large.

Hire the Right Talent for Your Organization
Regina Hartley, speaker and vice president of Global Talent Management at UPS, says the best hire might not have a perfect resume. When examining equally qualified candidates, those with less prestigious alma maters and a series of odd jobs show a committed struggle against obstacles compared to those whose lives seem engineered for success. These individuals might therefore be a better match for a startup, as they have the grit to succeed through adversity in life and the workplace.

Innovate Today, Not Tomorrow
A futurist is someone who makes predictions about the future based on current trends. While it is appealing to imagine a world of new possibilities, Joi Ito, Japanese entrepreneur and venture capitalist, promotes the idea of becoming a “now-ist,” a person who innovates today rather than imagining tomorrow. For individuals who want to change the world through a company or an idea, do not wait for everything to align perfectly before you begin; start now.

Expand Your Social Circle
Having a small social circle is comforting, but it may not be beneficial if you are interested in new ideas, opportunities or ventures. In her talk, Tanya Menon, professor at Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business, shares research-based evidence that shows how individuals are more likely to achieve their next level of success through someone outside of their close social circle and shares how to develop new and more diverse networks.

Learn more about UCI Beall Applied Innovation’s entrepreneur-focused services and resources.

Main Illustration: Elisa Le, UCI Beall Applied Innovation

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