The Innovator Awards recognize UCI researchers working to move UCI knowledge and discoveries to market
2023 Awardees
Past Winners
Award Categories

The Emerging Innovation/Early Career Innovator of the Year:


Recognizes distinguished innovators who have demonstrated excellence in the early stage of their careers, or in the early stages of an innovation breakthrough, through a combined effort in outstanding research and innovation.

Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year:


Recognizes distinguished innovators who have demonstrated an enterprising spirit and drive by taking one or more significant innovations developed in the university to market-readiness and also provided inspiration and empowerment to others to adopt entrepreneurism.

Innovator of the Year:


Recognizes distinguished innovators who have demonstrated excellence by developing a breakthrough idea, process or technology and shown its transformational potential to improve lives and create economic value.

UCI Beall Applied Innovation, with generous support from Don and Ken Beall, created the annual UCI Innovator Awards to recognize UCI researchers working actively to promote commercialization of university intellectual property, which supports industry growth and moves inventions from the lab to market to benefit humankind.
2023 Awardees


Marco Levorato, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, UCI Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences



Henry Klassen, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Ophthalmology and Director of the Stem Cell & Retinal Regeneration, UCI School of Medicine



Petra Wilder-Smith, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Director of Dentistry, UCI Beckman Laser Institute
Professor of Surgery, UCI School of Medicine

Past Winners

2022 Awardees


Emerging Innovation/Early Career Innovator of the Year Award


Mathew Blurton-Jones, Ph.D.
Professor, UCI School of Biological Sciences


Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year Award


Tibor Juhasz, Ph.D.
Professor, UCI Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Professor, UCI School of Medicine


Innovator of the Year Award


Max Plikus, Ph.D.
Professor, UCI School of Biological Sciences

2021 Awardees


Emerging Innovation/Early Career Innovator of the Year Award


Iryna Zenyuk, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, UCI Henry Samueli School of Engineering


Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year Award


Daniele Piomelli, Ph.D.
Professor, UCI School of Medicine


Innovator of the Year Award


Sunny Jiang, Ph.D.
Professor, UCI Henry Samueli School of Engineering

2020 Awardees


Emerging Innovation/Early Career Innovator of the Year Award


Yoojin Won, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, UCI Henry Samueli School of Engineering


Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year Award


Sunil Gandhi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, UCI School of Biological Sciences


Innovator of the Year Award


Weian Zhao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, UCI School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


The COVID-19 Response Award


Phil Felgner, Ph.D.
Professor, UCI School of Medicine

2019 Awardees


Emerging Innovation/Early Career Innovator of the Year Award


Mo Li, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, UCI Henry Samueli School of Engineering.


The Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year Award


Elliot Botvinick, Ph.D.
Professor, UCI Henry Samueli School of Engineering, UCI School of Medicine, and UCI Beckman Laser Institute


The Innovator of the Year Award


Christopher C.W. Hughes, Ph.D.
Professor, UCI School of Biological Sciences, and UCI Henry Samueli School of Engineering